List of publications

Refereed publications

  1. Ramiah, P, Smith, J. Q., Bunnin, O., Liverani, S., Addison, J., Whipp, A. (2024) Bayesian Graphs of Intelligent Causation. Submitted. Link
  2. Gramatica, M., Liverani, S. and Congdon, P. (2024) Structure induced by a multiple membership transformation on the Conditional Autoregressive model. Bayesian Analysis (to appear). Link
  3. Jing W., Papathomas M. and Liverani S. (2024) Variance matrix priors for Dirichlet process mixture models with Gaussian kernels. International Statistical Review (to appear). Link
  4. Shenvi, A. and Liverani, S. (2024). Beyond Conjugacy for Chain Event Graph Model Selection. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (to appear). Link.
  5. Lavigne A. and Liverani S. (2024) Quantifying the uncertainty of partitions for infinite mixture models. Probability and Statistics Letters 204, 109930. Link
  6. Data Study Group team (2023) Data Study Group Final Report, 22-26 May 2023, National Biodiversity Network Trust: Spatiotemporal analysis of priority species records across England. Link
  7. Ricciardi F., Liverani S, Baio G. (2023) Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Regression Discontinuity Designs. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 32(1):55-70. Link
  8. Coker, Molitor, Liverani, Martin, Maranzano, Pontarollo, Vergalli (2023) Bayesian profile regression to study the ecologic associations of correlated environmental exposures with excess mortality risk during the first year of the Covid-19 epidemic in Lombardy, Italy. Environmental Research, 216:1. Link
  9. Hailu, B.A., Geremew, B.M., Liverani, S., Abera, K.S., Beyene, J. and Miheretu, B.A. (2022). Mapping and determinants of consumption of egg and/or flesh foods and zero vegetables or fruits among young children in SSA. Scientific Reports 12, 11924.
  10. Data Study Group team (2022). Data Study Group Final Report: ASDA. 12-23 July 2021. Exploring and quantifying the effect of weather on sales Link
  11. Gramatica M., Congdon P., Liverani S. (2021) Bayesian modelling for spatially misaligned health areal data: a multiple membership approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C, 70: 645-666. Link
  12. Schweinsberg M., …, Liverani S., et al (2021) Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, 228-249. Link
  13. Ali R. L., Qureshi N. A., Liverani S., Roney C. H., Kim S., Lim P. B., Tweedy J. H., Peters N. S., and C. D. Cantwell (2020) Left Atrial Enhancement Correlates With Myocardial Conduction Velocity in Patients With Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, pp. 1444. Link
  14. Liverani S., Leigh L., Hudson I. L. and J. E. Biles (2020) Clustering method for censored and collinear survival data. Computational Statistics, 36, pp. 35–60. Link 
  15. Lavigne A., Freni-Sterrantino A., Fecht D., Liverani S., Blangiardo M., de Hoogh K., Molitor J., Hansell A. (2020) A spatial joint analysis of metal constituents of ambient particulate matter and mortality in England. Environmental Epidemiology, 4(4), pp. e098 Link
  16. Liu X., Liverani S., Smith K. J. and Yu K. (2020) Modelling Tails for Collinear Data with Outliers in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing: Quantile Profile Regression. Biometrical Journal, 62(4) pp. 916-931.Link
  17. Huang, R., Xu, W., Wang, Y., Liverani, S., Stapleton, A. (2020) Performance Comparison of Julia Distributed Implementations of Dirichlet Process Mixture Models. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 3350-3354. Link
  18. Bonaventura, Ciotti, Panzarasa, Liverani, Lacasa and Latora (2020) Predicting success in the worldwide start-up network. Scientific Reports 10, 345. Link
  19. Ryan, J.M., Cameron, M.H., Liverani, S., Smith, K.J., O’connell, N., Peterson, M.D., Anokye, N., Victor, C. and Boland, F. (2019), Incidence of falls among adults with cerebral palsy: a cohort study using primary care data. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 62: 477-482. Link
  20. Lavigne A., Ferri-Sterrantino A., Liverani S., Blangiardo M., de Hoogh K., Molitor J. and Hansell A. (2019) Associations between metal constituents of ambient particulate matter and mortality in England: An ecological study. BMJ Open URL Link
  21. O’Connell N., Smith K., Peterson M., Ryan N., Liverani S., Anokye N., Victor C., Ryan, J (2019) Incidence of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and inflammatory arthropathies in adults with cerebral palsy: a population-based cohort study. BONE 125, 30-35. URL Link
  22. Ryan, J. M., Peterson, M. D., Ryan, N., Smith, K. J., O’Connell, N. E., Liverani S., Victor, C., Anokye, N. and E. Allen (2019) Non-communicable disease among adults with cerebral palsy: A matched cohort study. Neurology . URL Link
  23. Ryan, J. M., Peterson, M. D., Ryan, N., Smith, K. J., O’Connell, N. E., Liverani S., Anokye, N., Victor, C. and E. Allen (2019) Mortality due to cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and cancer in adults with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61: 924-928. Link
  24. Smith K J, Peterson M D, O’Connell N E, Victor C, Liverani S, Anokye N, Ryan J M (2018) Risk of depression and anxiety in adults with cerebral palsy: A UK-cohort study using GP data. JAMA Neurology. 76 (3), 294-300. Link
  25. Huang, R., Xu, W., Liverani, S., Hiltbrand, D., Stapleton, A. (2018) A Case study of R performance analysis and optimization. PEARC18 (Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing), Article 33. Link
  26. Edwards K. D. Takata N., Johansson M., Novak O., Henykova E., Liverani S., Kozarewa I., Jurca M., Strnad M., Millar A.J., Ljung K. and Eriksson M. E. (2018) Circadian clock components control daily growth activities by modulating cytokinin levels and cell division-associated gene expression in Populus trees. Plant, Cell and Environment 41:1468–1482. Link
  27. Coker E., Liverani S., Su J. G. and J. Molitor (2018) Multi-Pollutant Modeling Through Examination of Susceptible Subpopulations Using Profile Regression. Current Environmental
    Health Reports 5(1):59-69. Link
  28. Silberzahn R., Uhlmann E. L. , Martin D. P., … Liverani S., …, Nosek B. A. (2018) Many analysts, one dataset: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. Link
  29. Hirth M., Liverani S., Mahlow S., Bouget F.-Y., Pohnert G., Severin S. (2017) Metabolic profiling identifies trehalose as an abundant and diurnally fluctuating metabolite in the microalga Ostreococcus tauri. Metabolomics 13(6):68. Link.
  30. Boulieri, A., Liverani, S., de Hoogh, K. and Blangiardo, M. (2017) A space-time multivariate Bayesian model to analyse road traffic accidents by severity. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. 180 (1), 119–139 . Link.
  31. Liverani, S. and J. Q. Smith. (2016) Bayesian selection of graphical regulatory models. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 77, 87–104. Link
  32. Liverani S., Lavigne A. and Blangiardo M. (2016) Modelling collinear and spatially correlated data. Spatial and Spatio-temporal epidemiology, 18, 63-73. Link
  33. Mattei F., Liverani S., Guida F., Matrat M., Cenée S., Sanchez M., Luce D., Richardson S., Stücker I., and the Icare Study Group. (2016) A multidimensional analysis of the effect of occupational exposure to organic solvents on lung cancer risk: the ICARE study. Occupational and environmental medicine 73 (6), 368-377. Link
  34. Coker E., Liverani S., Ghosh J., Jerrett M., Beckerman B., Su J., Li A., Ritz B., Molitor J. (2016) Multi-pollutant exposure profiles associated with term low birth weight in Los Angeles County. Environment international 91, 1-13. Link
  35. Coker E., Jerrett M., Ghosh J., Gomez–Rubio V., Beckerman B., Cockburn M., Liverani S., Su J., Li A., Ritz B., Molitor J. (2015) Geography of Risk: Modeling Spatial Effects of Air Pollutants on Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight in Los Angeles County. Environmental Research 142, 354-364. Link
  36. Pirani, M., Best, N., Blangiardo, M., Liverani, S., Atkinson, R. W., and G. W. Fuller (2015) Analysing the health effects of simultaneous exposure to physical and chemical properties of airborne particles. Environment International, 79, 56-64. Link
  37. Liverani, S. ∗ , Hastie, D. I. ∗ , Azizi, L., Papathomas, M. and Richardson, S. (2015) PReMiuM: An R package for Profile Regression Mixture Models using Dirichlet Processes. Journal of Statistical Software, 64(7), 1-30. Link
  38. Hastie, D. I. ∗ , Liverani, S. ∗ and Richardson, S. (2015) Sampling from Dirichlet process mixture models with unknown concentration parameter: Mixing issues in large data implementations. Statistics and Computing 25 (5), 1023-1037. Link
  39. Molitor, J., Brown, I. J., Papathomas, M., Molitor, N., Liverani, S., Chan, Q., Richardson, S., Van Horn, L., Daviglus, M. L., Stamler, J. and Elliott, P. (2014) Blood pressure differences associated with DASH-like lower sodium compared with typical American higher sodium nutrient profile: INTERMAP USA. Hypertension 64 (6), 1198-1204. Link
  40. Liverani S. and Cantwell, C. D. (2014) Elicitation and visualisation of uncertainty in electrograms for activation time maps. Proceedings of the 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Cagliari, 2014.
  41. Hastie, D. I., Liverani, S., Azizi, L., Richardson, S. and Stucker I. (2013) A semi-parametric approach to estimate risk functions associated with multi-dimensional exposure profiles: application to smoking and lung cancer. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 13 (1), 129. Link
  42. Liverani, S. and Richardson, S. (2013) Contribution to the discussion of “How to find an appropriate clustering for mixed type variables with application to socio-economic stratification”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C. Vol. 176, pp. 53-96.
  43. Liverani, S. and Blangiardo, M. (2012) Contribution to the discussion of “A Bayesian approach to complex clinical diagnoses: a case-study in child abuse”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A. Vol. 62, pp. 309 – 369.
  44. Akacha ∗ , M., Fonseca ∗ , T. C. O. and Liverani ∗ , S. (2011). Data Mining for Longitudinal Data with Different Treatments. New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis (S. Ingrassia, R. Rocci, M. Vichi, Eds.), Springer.
  45. Liverani, S.. and Petrucci, A. (2011). Spatial clustering of multivariate data using weighted MAX-SAT. New Perspectives in Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis (S. Ingrassia, R. Rocci, M. Vichi, Eds.), Springer.
  46. Monnier, A., Liverani, S, Bouvet, R., Jesson, B., Mosser, J., Corellou, F., Smith, J. Q. and Bouget, F.-Y. (2010). Light-regulated transcriptional networks in Ostreococcus provides insight into the biology and physiology of the marine eukaryotic picophytoplancton. BMC Genomics, 11:192. Link
  47. Liverani, S., Cussens, J. and Smith, J. Q. (2010). Searching a multivariate partition space using weighted MAX-SAT. F. Masulli, L. Peterson, and R. Tagliaferri (Eds.): CIBB2009, LNBI 6160, pp. 240–253, Springer. Link
  48. Liverani, S. (2009). Bayesian Clustering of Curves and the Search of the Partition Space. PhD Thesis, University of Warwick.
  49. Liverani, S., Anderson, P. E., Edwards, K. D., Millar, A. J. and Smith, J. Q. (2009). Efficient Utility-based Clustering over High Dimensional Partition Spaces. Bayesian Analysis, 4(3), pp. 539–572. Link
  50. Smith, J. Q., Anderson, P. E. and Liverani, S. (2008). Separation measures and the geometry of Bayes factor selection for classification. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 70(5), pp 957–980. Link
  51. Liverani, S. and Papavasiliou, A. (2006). Entropy based Adaptive Particle Filters. Proceedings of the NSSPW, September 13-15, 2006, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK.

∗ denotes joint first authors.

Other publications

  1. Liverani, S., Hastie, D. I and Richardson, S. (2013). Software Highlight – PReMiuM: An R package for Profile Regression Mixture Models using Dirichlet Processes. ISBA Bulletin. June 20 (2).
  2. Liverani, S. (2011). Weather Prediction. In Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society. Eds. Greenwald, S. and Thomley, J., Golson Media, New York.
  3. Liverani, S. and Cantwell, C. D. (2010) PhD: does it make you smarter or dumber? GRADBritain, an online magazine by and for postgraduate students.

See also my Google Scholar profile.